Appropriately named for their tall, climbing habit, they are best grown with support from a trellis, arbors, fences, or other structures where they can be trained vertically or horizontally. Climbing rose varieties vary widely from single to showy multi-petal blooms in a rainbow of colors and bi-colors. Some varieties bloom once in a big display and others are excellent repeat bloomers. Fragrance and disease resistance varies too. Perfect in sunny rose, cutting, and cottage gardens. Climbing rose varieties to grow such as Rosa ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ – an old-fashioned rose. Pale pink, double, scented flowers in July to September. Height 4.5m; Rosa ‘New Dawn’ – pale pink flowers from July to September. A vigorous climber reaching 3.5m; Rosa ‘Gloire de Dijon’ – yellow/apricot double flowers from July to September. Intense fragrance. Reaches a height of 5m; Rosa ‘Zéphirine Drouhin’ – a thornless, deep-pink, double flowering roses. Fragrant. Height 3m; Rosa ‘A Shropshire Lad’ – peachy pink, double flowers with a fruity tea rose fragrance. Almost thornless. Height 4m.



Common Name: Climbing Rose

Scientific Name: Rosa spp.

Family Name (Scientific and Common): Rosaceae  Rose Family

Continent of Origin: No particular continent of origin could be found however roses are found throughout the northern hemisphere.

Most Distinguishing Morphological Features of This Plant: The most distinguishing morphological feature would be the beautifully colored flowers.

Plant Growth Habit: Shrub  

Height at Maturity: Between 3 – 10 Feet 

Life Span: Perennial

Seasonal Habit: Deciduous Perennial

Growth Habitat: Full Sun

Manner of Culture: Garden (flower)   /  Landscape Shrub-Vine-Tree  /  Weed



You can buy climbing roses as container-grown plants at any time of the year, while bare-rot climbing roses are available to buy in autumn and winter – this is often how specialist nurseries send out mail-order roses.

Plant your climbing rose on a dry, frost-free day. Dig a hole at least twice the depth and width of the root ball and add in some well-rotted organic matter. Tease out the roots and drop the plant into the hole, ensuring that it’s planted at the same depth it was in the pot, or look for a soil ‘tide mark’ on the stem. Backfill and firm in place with your heel, and water in well.

Train your climbing rose up a supports such as a wireframe, pergola, or obelisk, and prune out any stems that are growing in the wrong direction.



Plant in well-drained, amended soil at least 4-5′ apart. Water well after planting; maintain 1” of water once a week the first year. Prune lightly in spring when new growth appears, removing dry or winter-damaged areas. Feed at least three times (full leaf, after first bloom, and in August) during the growing season with a slow-release fertilizer. Follow label instructions. Mulch 2″ to suppress weeds, retain moisture and protect against extremes of soil temperature. Deadhead and clean around the base of the plant as much as possible. Keep an insect and disease control such as Neem Oil on hand. Spray with Wilt-stop to protect from winter desiccation and mulch the base 4-6″ in late November to protect the graft/bud union.